

Once an elite delicacy, now a universal source of flavour and health.

Miso used to be written as 身礎, which translates the foundations of one’s body, that is how integral a part of Japanese cuisine it is. It is in the people’s makeup. Now it’s written 味噌(same pronunciation) and can be loosely translated to mean hectic, noisy flavour. I personally love this as miso is known to cover all five flavour components:

Saltiness, Sweetness, Bitterness, Acidity, Umami

Being from Osaka, my preference is for rice miso and I tend to stick to traditional methods using the usual suspects: rice koji, soybeans and salt. The rice is organic and comes from Italy and the soybeans hail from Bio Waeberhof in Ins. I favour sea salt, given my origin countries are both islands.

My miso is typically sweeter and lower in salt than what you find on the market here, but I ferment it for a year, unlike with shiro miso. I do like to play with variations on koji:bean ratio and mix up the beans too, so keep an eye out for the details on each jar.


Organic short grain rice (inoculated with Aspergillus Oryzae), organic soybeans, sea salt


Since it’s unpasteurized, it will continue to ferment at room temperature. You may find that surface yeast appears, but this is harmless. Please ensure you use clean utensils when scooping out your miso to keep surface mold at bay. Mold should be kept in check and, depending on its appearance, can be scooped off at your discretion. To keep flavour consistent, store in the fridge.

How to eat

Miso belongs most places you’d want salt, but it brings with it a deeply satisfying tone.